blood and sweat

This is not the finished product but it is close to it. I added a couple more triangles on the side. I could say that the types of balance in here could be: asymmetrical: its not the same on both sides but it still looks balanced overall. axial symmetry: the two sets of smaller circles are the same on both sides and they have a center point. There is horizontal and vertical symmetry with background. And I think the two big circles are asymmetrical because the white lines don't match up exactly. So I know that it is not actual symmetry.

But I put my blood into this project literally. I cut my finger on the xacto knife. I was bleeding all over the place and tried hard not to bleed on my project. I really hope he doesn't notice the blood stains on there. I better get at least a 95% on this because my last project grade had me kind of upset.

Speaking of my last project: Harmony, Variety, Rhythm

I received a 77 on it! Can you believe that? It sucks. I spent hours cutting out these circles. But my design didn't have enough variety and I was still practicing cutting out shapes. It was still a bit messy because there was little traces of glue.
But I have tip: If you end up with traces of glue. Lightly wet your gray scale with water and gently wipe with a paper towel and it cleans up the glue nicely.
I am also taking Computer Graphics 1. I have to remember all the things I learned during the week because I only take this class one day a week.


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