This is my attempt at 101 Dalmatians. We had to scan the book into the computer and trace on top of the photo using Adobe Illustrator CS5. I tell you what, that pen tool is a mess. But I got the hang of it anyway. The tool I hate the most would have to be the Gradient Mesh Tool. It really got on my nerves. But in Illustrator you draw everything from scratch. I am praying I will be able to use this in professional environment. I'm sure I will get the hang of it.

OK, it is time to get back to Graphic Designing.

Finally, I received an excellent grade.
98% for Scale and proportion

For scale and proportion, it is very important that you have to create a Golden rectangle and that requires finding the golden mean.  AB= x
Yes, there is math in art! I really hate math so I was thinking, I am going to fail this project. But the instructor showed us a simple way to do it. You don't have to do all of this algebra. What you do is make a square. And then take your compass and find the mid-point at the bottom of your square. Let's say your square is a 4" square, then you will place the needle of your compass at 2". Then you take the pencil side and place it in the top right corner. From there, go ahead and run the pencil down until it is on the same line as your compass point. I hope this makes sense. This video will help.
So first, I had to create my design on a golden rectangle. I could use the lines to direct where I want your eyes to move along the composition. After you sketch it, it should be grid off into 9 or more sections called Alberti's Veil's+Veil.
We have to take our design and do an anamorphic stretch. I chose a lovely flag shape. Anyway, you use Alberti's Veil to copy your design onto your anamorphic stretch.
So this is the final. My design is quite interesting. The instructor thought it was too busy though but I am working on my designs every week.
Computer Graphics 1:
So for Computer Graphics, I had to create a Movie poster in Photoshop CS5. I chose the movie Fast & Furious which is one of my favorites. You have to take 5 photos from the internet and create different layers styles such as gradient and creating a Mask for each layer. The mask makes it easier to crop out the background in the photo and clean up edges. I even had to make the credits! I was so excited after I picked out my font for the Movie title.