I am so happy! I recieved my scholarship!!! Alright, we are moving on the right track now. And it looks like all that financial crap has been cleared too. So now we can get this thing rolling. I just want to get my life started. I am just hoping that this career takes me somewhere. I have a man that loves me and he is preparing things for our life. I am about to get my life started and it will work out for the best hopefully. I want to be able to make something out of myself in this shitty economy. I know that I will have an epiphany and invent something and start making boo-koo bucks.
OK, so I am on my way to becoming a Graphic Designer. If only I can get all this crap straightened out with financial aid and my finances. I would like to get to know some fellow graphic designers, preferably some that are women and "african-tamerican" (Madea voice), to know what it is like for them in the business. Then my boyfriend says that he has a friend that is a graphic designer. Really? You tell me this now? But the only reason he hasn't told me is because the friend is his ex-girlfriend's sister. Do you know how awkward that would be going up to her? Especially if the exes aren't friends anymore but they are so nosy and want to know who the new girlfriend is. (It's me Bi*^^%! and you can't have him back! He is all mine.) But the exes sister would get all up in my business and the ex might try to squirm her way back in there. So, my best bet is to leave her alone and find someone else to shadow.